Fire Resistant
When your employees work daily in industries or environments that involve the risk of fire, you need apparel that allows your team work safely and efficiently without sacrificing quality and comfort.
Fire-resistant or flame-resistant fabrics (FR) are designed to be nonflammable at a chemical level and self-extinguish without melting or dripping when directly exposed to extreme heat, preventing the spread of fire.
FR garments provide the thermal insulation needed to protect the wearer from extreme heat or flames. That is why quality FR clothing must, not only withstand certain types of exposure to direct flames but also resists breaking open, to prevent the wearer’s skin from exposure to external hazards.
These qualities are necessary in order to be certified as standards-compliant Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) suitable for protecting employees who may be exposed to fire hazards.
Our FR apparel suppliers, like Saf-Tech, an American manufacturer, comply with the National Fire Protection Association 2112 (NFPA 2112) standard that provides minimum requirements for the design, construction, evaluation, and certification of flame-resistant garments for use by industrial personnel.
Using only fabric from premium domestic suppliers like Westex, Saf-Tech garments have consistently maintained flame resistance under the harshest test conditions for over 25 years.

Our FR garments are classified by Hazard Risk Category (HRC), used to determine the necessary arc rating of a garment a person must wear to protect against a minimum level of incident energy. Wearing multiple layers of clothing may be required to obtain the necessary rating required.
ARC RATING: Is a value of the energy necessary to pass through any given fabric to cause, with 50% probability, a second or third-degree burn. This value is measured in calories per centimeter squared. The higher the ARC rating value, the greater the protection.
NFPA has identified four FR hazardous risk category levels, which are numbered by severity from 1 to 4.

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